Trendlines vs. Headlines

Case Shiller Market Watch

Case Shiller Market Watch

Last week, S&P Case-Shiller released the latest Home Price Index and shortly after, the Seattle Times proclaimed the rapid decline of residential home prices in the Seattle metropolitan region. Contrary to headlines, however, the trendlines paint a much more nuanced picture. To be sure, Seattle was still named among the top three fastest growing regions on the Index, reporting an 8.4 percent year-over-year gain in home prices.

Trendlines Prove a Strong Market in Seattle & Beyond

Trendlines Prove a Strong Market in Seattle & Beyond

Last week, S&P Case-Shiller released the latest Home Price Index and shortly after, the Seattle Times proclaimed the rapid decline of residential home prices in the Seattle metropolitan region. Contrary to headlines, however, the trendlines paint a much more nuanced picture. To be sure, Seattle was still named among the top three fastest growing regions on the Index, reporting an 8.4 percent year-over-year gain in home prices.