11767 Venice Lp NE Bainbridge Island, WA
The home on Venice Loop, Bainbridge Island (MLS ID #155907) was the best deal that we saw today. $565k for an incredible house that had been on the market before at over $1 million now has been repossessed by the bank and is on the market for an extremely low price.
Leah's recommendations: With just a little bit of landscaping to provide some privacy, this would make a great house.[listingsearch type="listingids" listingids="155907"]
428 Harborview Dr SE Bainbridge Island, WA
The second nicest place I saw was the condo located just steps to the ferry on for $545k on Harborview Drive , Bainbridge Island, WA (MLS ID #158169). Top floor with gorgeous Seattle views and completely remodeled absolutely wonderful kitchen and living room. The master bath has wonderful finishes with granite.[listingsearch type="listingids" listingids="158169"]
9385 NE Northtown Lp Bainbridge Island, WA
This home in the Bainbridge Island North Town Woods Community (MLS ID 158337) is actually a three-bedroom with a guest suite over the garage. Nice upgraded finishes and very nicely built. The two kids bedrooms upstairs are a bit small, but downstairs has a good sized office/TV room.[listingsearch type="listingids" listingids="158337"]
196 & 194 Knechtel Wy NE Bainbridge Island, WA
Two condominiums unique to Bainbridge Island that were on tour today for under $200,000 were quite interesting (MLS ID 155222 and 155237). They are only available to income qualified buyers. Factory built and very innovative. Extremely small but beautiful view and now great deal for the island. Interesting, definitely not cookie cutter! Modern, contemporary finishes take a look at the pictures below to see what you think.[listingsearch type="listingids" listingids="155222,155237"]
Feel free to comment what you think about these new low-cost prefab type of homes.

These we the other house on tour this week. Feel free to send me an email and I can answer any questions you have about them too.
[listingsearch type="listingids" listingids="19872,139740,155222,155237,155907,155995,156424,158169,158337"]