Things for Buyers to Consider when Determining the Appropriate Property Value and Offer Price

Things for Buyers to Consider when Determining the Appropriate Property Value and Offer Price

Determining the value of home can be sometimes a difficult task for a buyer. Just as there are many factors that can impact a home’s value, the details and potential success of your offer also rely on several pieces of information. If you are thinking about buying a home, you may want to consider the following tips to gain a better understanding of property values. By utilizing these recommendations and discussing the findings with your agent, you might be able to not only find the best house for your money, but also a home that surpasses all of your expectations.

1. Investigate Locally

When searching for a new home, many prospective homebuyers start by checking local listings. After the search is narrowed down to a few neighborhoods of interest, walking or driving through these areas can give you a better idea of overall neighborhood quality. As you narrow your search, it might help to attend a few open houses in the local market to gain an understanding of pricing trends and witness how much interest is being paid to the homes already for sale.

In the early stages of shopping for a home, it can also be helpful to have your agent perform a Comparative Market Analysis. This report will show you the past sales prices of homes in the area and allow you to contrast those statistics with the current homes for sale.

2. Get behind the numbers

After you have compared the list prices of the homes you are interested in with other homes that have sold in the area, there are a few assessments of value you may want to consider. The most telling estimate of a home’s value will be a professional inspection.

Another statistic that will provide you an estimated value of a home is the assessed tax value. However, as the assessed tax value sometimes doesn’t take into account the amenities of a home, upgrades to the property or the nuances of the housing market, this value can vary from a professional estimate. Work with your agent to compare the details of your appraisal and the assessed tax value, taking into account all of the home’s amenities and any issues of particular importance to your family – including such factors as the quality of the neighborhood, local schools and even how the home matches up to your long-term goals.

3. Think about the market

When trying to determine the value of a home for sale, it might also help to consider the status of the overall housing market. First, take into account national trends and determine whether it is a “buyer’s market” or a “seller’s market.” Next, compare the local housing market to the national trends, considering both the neighborhood of the home for sale and a broader geographical region incorporating the surrounding city or other nearby communities. It is quite possible that a particular area may not be affected by national market trends, creating for instance a small seller’s market within a broad buyer’s market, or vice versa.

4. Pay attention to the details

Besides looking at local and national housing trends, there are a few more issues that can affect the value of a home and the details of your offer. First, you and your agent should find out how long the home has been on the market. It is believed by many that if a home has been for sale more than 30 days, sellers are often more motivated to sell and are more receptive to lower-priced offers.

In addition to the time spent on the market, you and your agent should also try to find out if there are any additional factors that could motivate the seller for a quick sale. For instance, if the seller has already purchased another home or is relocating to another state, you may receive a better response to your offer sheet.

After taking all these factors into account, you and your agent should be able to determine both the market value of the home and the right amount to bid if making an offer. Furthermore, the more you take the information you’ve gathered into account, the better you will be able to prevent potentially overbidding – which, of course, costs the buyer more money – or underbidding – an error that could discourage a seller from further negotiations.

Lastly, try to remember that the process of ascribing value to a home is not an exact science. Each time a house is sold on the open market the sales price will represent careful negotiations between the buyer and seller, with all of the factors here taken into account by each party. Therefore, above all else, the right home should not only represent a good value when analyzing appraisals and various market factors, it should also be the best value for you and your family.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Five Topics to Discuss With Your Real Estate Agent When Buying a Condo

Five Topics to Discuss With Your Real Estate Agent When Buying a Condo

If you’re looking for home-buying information, you’ve come to the right place. One of the first questions in deciding to buy a home is house or condo? If you’re leaning toward a condo, read on. Here are five important topics to discuss with your real estate agent before beginning your home buying search:

1) What You Can’t Live Without

If your version of the American Dream doesn’t include mowing the lawn, a condo might be a great choice. If you can’t live without your own backyard, a big garage, or plenty of space between you and your neighbors, your needs may be better suited to a detached single-family residence. However, if the idea of a condo sounds right, talk to your real estate agent about other important aspects of your future home. For example, a gourmet cook might seek out a well-designed kitchen. Someone who works from home might need dedicated space for a home office. Additionally, there are decisions specific to condo living which you will need to think about.  What types of association amenities are you looking for?  These can include pools, covered parking, clubhouses, and 24-hour security. Do you have a pet?  Some condo associations have restrictions regarding pet ownership or even such things as having outdoor barbecues.  Be sure to include all aspects of your home buying requirements in the information you provide to your real estate agent.

2) Schools and Family Needs

The quality of school systems has long been important information for home-buying families. If you have children or are thinking about having children in your new condo, you’ll want to discuss school information and statistics with your real estate agent. Not only is it important to consider the location of your condo relative to area schools, but you’ll also want to think about the quality and diversity of local school offerings. Your real estate agent can provide both public and private school information for all the neighborhoods in which you’re considering buying a condo.

3) Commuting

For many condo-owners, commuting from home to work and back is a necessary evil. Some people feel that a long commute can detract from their quality of life and the time they get to spend at home. Commuting should be a critical factor in home selection, because in many communities, traffic backups are increasingly common. And today, this phenomenon applies to urban, suburban and even rural areas. If having little or no commute to work is important to you, convey this to your real estate agent.

4) Community Details

Whether you hope to buy a condo in a vibrant urban neighborhood or a charming rural town, the demographics, details and community statistics of a particular area are almost as important a consideration when buying a home as the details of the house itself. Even more significant in a condo-living situation is information about your condominium’s own community. Are most of the residents retirees? Recent college graduates? The community information and statistics of both your condominium and the town or city in which it is located are crucial factors in your home-buying decision.

5) Budget and Condo Fees

For some, the decision to purchase a condo is based primarily on the convenience a condo lifestyle offers. For most people however, the most rigid constraint of home-buying and the central reason for choosing a condo is the buyer’s budget. While condos are generally less expensive than houses, a buyer should be aware of additional costs, like HOA dues. Be sure to research the condo association’s dues and exactly what those dues include. It’s a good idea to check out a one-year utility history for the unit you’re interested in, as well.

Thanks to today’s creative lending solutions, budget constraints are not as rigid as they once were. Many innovative mortgage options are now available to both first-time and veteran home-buyers. Before beginning a condo search, you should talk to both your real estate agent and your lender about your finance options and ultimately, your budget.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Questions to Ask a Seller When Considering an Offer

Questions to Ask a Seller When Considering an Offer

The process leading up to making an offer on a home can be a daunting. After you’ve found the right home, you will still need to assess various factors that can impact both the details of your offer and the seller’s willingness to work with you. If you are considering making an offer on a home, you may want to start by getting some information about the seller and their history with the home. The first question to consider is: Why are you selling?

In some sense, what you are really asking is: “how motivated are you to sell your home?” Assessing the type of answer you receive to the initial question may help you structure a potential offer. For instance, if the homeowner has already purchased another property or the family is trying to relocate, you might be dealing with a flexible seller. Gaining some insight into the seller’s motivation will help you determine not only how motivated they are to sell but also how they might assess your offer.

Another question that can help you understand how the seller might view your offer is:

How much did you pay for your home?

Though this might seem like privileged information, such statistics are actually public record. Generally speaking, the seller who purchased their home for a low price and built up equity in the property over several years may be more flexible when approached with offers. On the other hand, homeowners who haven’t seen such an increase in their home’s value might be more reluctant to lower their asking price.

After gaining an understanding of how the seller might treat a potential offer, you may want to ask questions about the upkeep of the home and the quality of the surrounding neighborhood. Beginning with the quality of the property itself, you will certainly want to inquire:

What types of repairs have been done recently?

You may want to start by asking the homeowner about your specific concerns. Homeowners will always be happy to tell you about upgrades that have been made to the home, but you may want to pay attention to what isn’t mentioned. It is important to ask because you will be able to tell if a kitchen or bathroom was remodeled after viewing the home or consulting the disclosure document, but you might miss some smaller issues that could impact the details of your offer.

To further protect yourself against surprise renovation costs in a new home, you may want to verify the age and working condition of all major appliances. If possible, check the service records of important appliances (furnaces, water heaters, etc.) as these often serve as markers of a home’s overall upkeep. You can also try securing a monthly estimate of utility costs; these statistics will not only help you estimate future costs but could potentially highlight unhealthy energy consumption within the home’s infrastructure.

Lastly, regarding the surrounding neighborhood, try to open the conversation about the area by asking:

What can you tell me about the neighborhood?

Allow the seller to tell you the good and the bad. By asking the seller for their overall impressions of the neighborhood, you will probably learn things about the area that a more specific question might not have yielded. Follow up the seller’s initial response with questions that are important to you and your family. Based on your needs, you could ask questions like the following: Is there any new construction planned in the neighborhood? What are your thoughts about the nearest schools? Are any businesses or schools scheduled to close? How would you describe the neighbors?

The research you conduct with your agent prior to making an offer is one of the best ways to ensure that your family finds the right home for the right price. As you approach the offer stage, remember that you are not alone and can work closely with your agent to learn as much as possible about the property and the details of the buying process. Furthermore, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help if you have questions or concerns about a potential offer. Though the process of making an offer on a property may seem stressful, your diligence will pay off when you finally find a house to call home.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Five Topics to Discuss With Your Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home

Five Topics to Discuss With Your Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home

Thinking of selling your home? Before you place the “For Sale” sign in front of your house, there are a few things you should consider in order to maximize your home value and make the sales process smooth and efficient.  Be prepared to discuss the following subjects with your real estate agent when you’re ready to sell your home and you’ll be one step ahead in the market.

1) Best Time of Year to Put Your House on the Market Conventional wisdom dictates that spring is the best time for selling a home.  The weather is getting warmer, the school year is coming to an end, and people who have just received their tax refunds may now have extra cash to use for a down payment on a home.  However, since not everyone can sell a home in the spring, here are some other seasonal factors to consider. According to annual home sale data from the National Association of Realtors, the slowest selling months of the year are typically January and February, since fewer home sales occur during the holidays.  In spite of this, with less competition in the marketplace, you may be able to ask for a higher price for your home, or a quicker closing.  Additionally, temperate locations like Florida and California don’t see the seasonal fluctuations in the housing market, where house-hunters are almost always looking.  And a late winter or early spring in the Northeast may extend the typical “selling season.”  These seasonal variations, as well as a variety of local factors, will all influence the housing market in your area.  Be sure to talk to your real estate agent regarding the current state of the market and how it will affect the sale of your home.

2) Open House Strategy and How to De-Clutter At an open house, first impressions count, so you’ll want to enhance your home’s perceived value. Make your home inviting by taking care of bothersome minor repairs; clean bathroom and kitchen counters and clear them of dishes and clutter. Arrange storage areas neatly and put unused items in a closet. If you have pets, consider having a neighbor watch them for the duration of the open house. It’s a good idea for you to be absent during the open house, also. If you must be present, let your agent do the talking.

Decorate your home to sell by arranging the furniture to look as spacious as possible. Add color and fragrance to any room with fresh flowers. Lastly, don’t forget the outside of your home. Put away all gardening equipment and neatly arrange outdoor items like firewood or furniture. Even take a hard look at your mailbox and make sure it reflects the value and character of your home.

3) Features to Accentuate While you may have long determined which aspects of your home you love, having a fresh set of eyes assess its best features is a smart idea. If you’re considering selling your home, take the time to walk through it methodically with your real estate agent. Together you can determine which features of the home should be accentuated.  Does your home have a wonderful view? Make the most of it by sprucing up window treatments and arranging furniture to draw the eye toward the windows. Perhaps the location of your house is truly incredible. Your real estate agent can help accentuate this feature in sales and marketing materials.

4) Desired Price and Bottom Line Price It’s great to shoot high, but when determining your home value, it’s also important to identify your bottom line. By assessing recent home sale statistics in your area, your real estate agent can recommend an appropriate target price range. Working with your agent, you can set an initial asking price, as well as privately determine the absolute lowest price you would comfortably accept for selling your home. By crunching the numbers and setting parameters early on, you can avoid emotional rollercoasters during the process of receiving, countering and accepting offers.

5) Disclosures When selling your home, you may be obligated to disclose problems that could affect the property’s value or desirability. In most states, it is illegal to fraudulently conceal major physical defects in your property, such as a basement that floods in heavy rains. And many states now require sellers to take a proactive role by making written disclosures on the condition of the property. Ask your real estate agent for the particular laws of your state.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Tips for Marketing Your House to Potential Buyers

Tips for Marketing Your House to Potential Buyers

As you prepare to sell your home, you may want to devote some time to thinking about your buyers. With new homes listed everyday, homebuyers have plenty of options. However, if you market your house properly, prospective buyers won’t have any trouble finding your home. If you have already found an agent that understands your needs as a seller, you can utilize their knowledge and resources to make your home as attractive as possible. While you may choose to work very closely with your agent during the marketing process, here are a number of marketing tactics that you can try out on your own.

One of the most important steps in marketing your home may be taking photographs. As many home buyers and real estate agents conduct their initial research online, a flattering collection of photos is helpful to include with your listing. Begin your photo shoot outside the home and try to snap pictures that highlight your home’s best features. As you want your home to be focus of all the photos, remove cars from the driveway and try to clear plants that block a view of your front door. Begin with photos of the entire property – cropping out the sidewalk and street – and move in to take close-up pictures of exterior features.

Inside the home, you should take at least one photograph of every room. Though you may choose not to display every room in your listing, you may find some great images where you least expect. As you prepare to photograph the interior of your home, you should open all of the blinds or curtains and turn on lights in each room. You may also want to remove certain items – such as personal photos and undesirables like garbage cans – before taking photos. In the kitchen and dining room, consider placing floral arrangements on the table to add a peaceful atmosphere to the space. As you move room to room, focus on the most interesting aspects of each room – be it a large closet in a guest bedroom or a fireplace in the living room. When you are finished, the photos you have taken should represent all the best elements of your home.

After you have placed your listing with photos, try to work with your agent to place adequate signage on the property. A useful sign should list the agent’s name and contact information and, if necessary, additional contact information for the nearest real estate office. If you reside on a quiet residential street, you may want to ask the neighbor residing on the corner of the nearest busy street if you can place a small, directional sign in their lawn. Lastly, one or more of the photos used in your listing should also be included on the fact sheet available outside your home. This takeaway brochure will typically list the details of your home – number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage and lot size – and can also be used during open houses as a reminder to prospective buyers.

Depending on how you want to market your home, there are a number of advertising options available to you and your agent. Many homeowners choose to list their properties in local newspapers, typically in special weekend real estate sections. You may also want to look at local real estate publications and check printing dates to see if your home is a good fit. However, even more than print advertisements, the internet features a world of opportunity for home sellers. There are numerous classified sites and databases that prospective homebuyers check daily, many of which offer free listings. You and your agent can also use the internet to publicize your open house and offer additional details that may not have been featured in your print ads.

After you have completed your first round of marketing, you and your agent may want to schedule an open house. Granting prospective buyers an opportunity to view your home in person is often one of the most important steps in selling a home. Prior to the open house, your agent can actively seek for prospective buyers. If an interested buyer or agent is unable to visit your open house, your agent can also arrange private tours to make sure all prospective buyers have a chance to see your home.

While there is certainly no guarantee that any specific marketing tactics will sell your home, utilizing some of the above mentioned tactics will help increase the odds of prospective buyers finding your home – and getting them to your front door is the first step in making the sale.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Tips for Preparing Your Home for an Open House

Tips for Preparing Your Home for an Open House

Every seller wants her home to sell quickly and bring top dollar. While there are some factors you can’t control, like neighborhood popularity and market fluctuations, you can help your house put on its best face for showings and open houses. If you want to sell your home, here are some tips to prepare your house and turn it into an irresistible home.

Before any physical preparations, you first need to prepare yourself emotionally. Begin to dissociate yourself, and decide to let go of your attachments to the home. From now on, this is a house you really want to sell, not your own beloved home.

It’s important that potential buyers can imagine calling your house “home,” too. Make it easier for them by de-personalizing the space. Remove personal photos and family heirlooms. Buyers should be allowed to connect with the space, and to imagine displaying their own photos and artifacts. You want buyers to think, “I could see myself living here.”

It’s no surprise that you’ll want a tidy house for a showing, but what about those hidden areas of the home? Buyers need to look everywhere; they will open cupboards and peer into closets. So, make sure storage areas are organized, and that coats hang neatly in hall closets. Stack dishes and re-arrange kitchen drawers. Tidy other stored items, like books, games or CD’s. Bathrooms and kitchens should be especially clean, with counters clear of miscellaneous personal items and knick-knacks. Don’t forget the outside of the home. Give your house curb appeal by trimming the lawn, sweeping the front walk, and artfully arranging outdoor furniture.

Now is the time to take care of those bothersome little repairs you’ve been putting off for years. Buyers will notice the flaws that you’ve grown accustomed to. From replacing light bulbs, to cleaning scuff marks off walls, to replacing missing tiles in the bathroom, or fixing the broken screen door, take care to repair all the minor problems with the house before the open house.

While you may have long determined which aspects of your home you love, having a fresh set of eyes scrutinize its best features is a smart idea. If you want to sell your home, take the time to walk through it methodically with your real estate agent. Together you can point out which features of the home should be accentuated...and which elements should be downplayed. Does your home have a wonderful view? Draw attention to it by sprucing up window treatments and arranging furniture to draw the eye toward the windows.  Is the kitchen small and cramped? Make the most of it by lighting the space well, clearing counters of debris and displaying a vase of fresh flowers.

If you want to take window coverings, built-in appliances or fixtures with you when you sell your home, remove them now. If the chandelier in the dining room once belonged to your great grandmother, take it down. If a buyer never sees it, he won't want it. Once you tell a buyer he can't have an item, he will covet it, and it could blow your deal. Pack those items and replace them, if necessary.

Finally, when it comes time for the open house, try to avoid being home. Not only does it make buyers uncomfortable, but it can interfere with your real estate agent’s sales process. Whether you head to the office or just out for a walk with the dog, you can rest assured that in your absence, your house will look enticing to its new owners!

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Tips for Reviewing a Purchase & Sale Agreement

Tips for Reviewing a Purchase & Sale Agreement

When selling your home, it’s likely that your primary focus is receiving the highest price possible for your property.  And while this is certainly an important factor, there are other details that must be considered when you receive an official offer on your home in the form of a Real Estate Purchase Contract (REPC).  Negotiating this wordy and legally binding document can seem daunting, but understanding the information contained in the REPC will save you time, money and heartache during the process of selling your home.

The Real Estate Purchase Contract, also known as a Purchase and Sale Agreement, or a Real Estate Contract, is an agreement between a buyer and a seller to purchase real estate.  Your first encounter with a particular purchase contract will be in the form of an offer from a potential buyer. After reviewing the offer, you have three options: to accept the terms of the offer, thus entering into a contract; to change the terms of the offer in a counter-offer; or to reject the offer wholesale.

After considering the price offered by the buyer, savvy sellers will then determine if the Real Estate Purchase Agreement contains any contingencies. One common possibility is that the offer to purchase your property is contingent on the sale of the buyer’s home. If the buyers' property sells, the sale goes through. But, if it does not, the sale is off and the buyers' deposit is usually returned. There are ways to structure a contingent sale offer to make it less risky for sellers. One way is to include a release clause in the contract, which allows sellers to continue marketing their home in the hopes of finding a better offer. If such an offer comes along, the sellers notify the buyers that they must remove the contingency by a certain date and show that they are able to close. Otherwise, they must withdraw from the contract. The sellers are then free to proceed with the other offer.

Another red flag to watch for is a request by the buyer for excessive time to secure financing. This is a reality for many first-time home buyers or even veteran buyers whose credit is spread thin. If you’re not comfortable with the extended time frame, you can request that the buyer provide you with proof of loan application and/or a letter of loan qualification by a certain date. A well-priced offer can also seem less appealing if the seller offers a low earnest money deposit or asks you to pay the closing costs. Feel free to counter any elements of the offer that don’t sit well with you.

And, don’t forget to take note of your requirements in the offer. Some buyers will include a clause that penalizes sellers who don’t move from the property by a specific date. Be confident that you can vacate your home by the date requested before accepting the offer. On the other hand, you may want the closing process to move swiftly. Even if the offered price is less than you wanted, a buyer who can close and take possession quickly can counterbalance the lower price.

It is generally accepted that all attached fixtures and appliances will be sold with your home, but the buyer must list these carefully in the offer to purchase. Such appliances and fixtures can include ovens and dishwashers, window treatments, light fixtures, fireplace mantels and even landscaping features like trees and flowers. Additionally, buyers can request the inclusion of certain furnishings and personal property. If you have items that you do not wish to include when selling your home—whether the washer/dryer, an heirloom rosebush, or all your furniture—it’s a good idea to let your real estate agent know from the get-go, so he or she can help mitigate the expectations of buyers.

The bottom line? It pays to spend 20 minutes reviewing a blank real estate purchase contract as soon as you put your house on the market. That way, when you receive an offer, you’ll be ready to break it down into its specifics, and respond confidently.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Five Topics to Discuss With Your Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Condo

Five Topics to Discuss With Your Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Condo

Thinking of selling your condo? Whether you live in the condo or own it as an investment property, if you’re ready to sell your home, it’s time to talk to a qualified real estate agent in your area. By evaluating several criteria, including regional markets, time of year, features of your condo unit, as well as your specific needs as the seller, he or she can create a customized marketing plan for your condo. Here are five important topics to discuss with your real estate agent if you want to sell your home:

1) Best Time of Year to Sell Your Condo The specifics of your area do more to determine the best time to put your home on the market than whether you’re selling a condo or a house. While the conventional wisdom is that spring is the best time for selling a home, this belief simply doesn’t ring true in every locale. In recent years the historic patterns have eased, and in some cases, totally disappeared. Still, different parts of the country have periods when sellers can be more aggressive with their pricing. And your real estate agent may suggest a distinct timing strategy for condominium sales, especially if your condo is in a resort destination.

2) Open House Strategy and How to De-Clutter A condo that shows well will sell faster and bring a higher price. Small cosmetic touch-ups can make a big difference. Buyers often suspect that more serious problems may exist if they notice the need for minor repairs. If you want to sell your home, it’s important to make sure your condo is clean, tidy and free of personal clutter. Clear sinks and counters of dishes and toiletries. Neatly stack office supplies and organize storage areas. Replace dim light bulbs and clean windows. Even though your garden area may be commonly owned, do your best to create curb appeal by cleaning front steps and porches, and clearing lawns of toys or equipment.

3) Features to Accentuate One of the best features to accentuate when selling a condo is the lifestyle of ease that comes with condominium ownership. Many buyers are looking for the hassle-free living experience that they can’t find with a single-family detached house. Another important attribute of any condo is the amenities of the association, which can include a hot tub, fitness center, owner’s lounge, covered parking and even concierge services. If you’re considering selling your condo, take the time to walk through it methodically with your real estate agent. Together you can point out which features of the actual condo unit should be accentuated.  Does your unit have a wonderful view? Perhaps the location of your condominium is unique and desirable. Your real estate agent can help accentuate these features in sales and marketing materials.

4) Desired Price and Bottom Line Price When setting the home price for your condo, it’s important to identify your desired price and your bottom line price. By assessing recent condo sale and listing statistics in your area, your real estate agent and a licensed appraiser can estimate your house value and recommend an appropriate target price range. Working with your agent, you can set an initial asking price, as well the absolute lowest home price you would comfortably accept. One advantage of selling a condo is that by assessing the prices of other units in your association that have recently sold or are currently listed, your real estate agent and the appraiser can determine a very accurate house value.

5) Disclosures When selling your condo, you may be obligated to disclose problems that could affect the property’s value or desirability, as well as to disclose HOA minutes and costs of common insurance and utilities. In most states, it is illegal to fraudulently conceal major physical defects in your property, such as a water heater that leaks severely. And many states now require sellers to take a proactive role by making written disclosures on the condition of the condo unit. Ask your real estate agent for the particular laws of your state.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

The Best Remodeling Projects to Raise the Value of Your Home

The Best Remodeling Projects to Raise the Value of Your Home

If you are like most homeowners, you probably view your home as your most important investment. Diligent homeowners often treat their homes like stock portfolios or savings accounts and always try to add value to their properties. While there are many ways to increase the value of a home, one of the most utilized methods for homeowners is the remodeling project. However, despite the remodeling successes of many homeowners, remodeling a home is not always a guarantee of added value or increased interest from potential buyers. Hence, homeowners may want to take care in how they renovate their homes, especially when there is volatility in their local housing markets. With that in mind, there are few remodeling projects that are more likely to add value to a home and allow the homeowner to recoup the costs when selling.

Based on numerous studies of the real estate market, here are the best remodeling projects to increase the value of your home and generate the most interest from prospective buyers:

  • Kitchen – As one of the most used rooms in any home, upgrades made to the kitchen are always appealing to prospective buyers. Studies show, however, that the homeowners earn the most value when performing modest upgrades including new cabinets, countertops, floors and well-priced appliances. Hence, homeowners often don’t need to worry about including luxury products when remodeling the kitchen.
  • Bathroom – In many cases, remodeling an existing bathroom can raise the value of the home as much as any other project. As bathrooms can typically be remodeled very affordably, this has long been a favorite project of homeowners looking to increase the value of their homes. Though the eventual recouped value seems to be contingent on region, most homeowners who remodeled existing bathrooms experienced better return on their investment than those that added new bathrooms to their homes.
  • Windows – Though not as visible as remodeled kitchens or bathrooms, there are few remodeling projects that improve the overall quality of a home better than new windows. For instance, smart home buyers will recognize that new windows will not only make the home more comfortable and attractive, but will also save on heating and cooling costs.
  • Siding – Though new siding and other exterior improvements may not be possible or necessary for some homeowners, no other remodeling project generates a better response from prospective buyers. Nationwide, the value recouped by homeowners that installed new siding is matched only by successful kitchen remodeling projects.

On the other hand, there are also some remodeling projects that may not provide the best value for homeowners. Real estate experts typically point to expensive additions – such as home theatres, swimming pools and wine cellars – as the riskiest remodeling projects. The key to determining if such luxurious projects will add sufficient value to the home and allow the homeowner to recoup the value lies in assessing what is right for the neighborhood. For instance, a home with two bathrooms could gain significant value when a new bathroom is added if all the surrounding properties have three or more bathrooms. Likewise, if you reside in a region where swimming pools are an expected luxury – such as the desert southwest – prospective homebuyers probably won’t see your addition as an unnecessary liability.

Most importantly, keep in mind that renovations and remodeling projects may not be as simple as they seem. It is wise to weigh the risks and to consider what is best for the local market before starting any project. If you are unsure what types of remodeling projects would add value in your neighborhood, you may want to consult a real estate agent to get a better understanding of what local buyers are looking for.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Selling a House with Pets

Selling a House with Pets

You love you pets and so does the rest of the neighborhood. However, when it comes time to sell your home, you shouldn’t expect the same of those interested in your property. While it is difficult for some homeowners to understand the negative perceptions about pets held by some prospective buyers, you should try to make your home as appealing as possible to everyone who walks through the door. Before showing your home, consider some of these steps to minimize the impact of pets and potentially maximize interest from prospective buyers.

Before showing your home to buyers, you should try to remove all signs of your pets. Start by putting away any food and water bowls, pet toys and litter boxes. If your dogs use a doggie door to get in and out of your home, consider replacing or sealing up the door. If you keep photos of you and your pets on display, pack the images away when prospective buyers are in your home. Lastly, if you have any items that are too big to hide – like cages or dog carriers – find a discreet storage location in the garage or outside the home.

To ensure that you don’t offend the eyes (or noses) of prospective buyers, you may want to devote extra time to cleaning your home. If you have cats or dogs that roam freely in the home, start by vacuuming the entire house. Next, as most pet-loving homes have a carpet stain or two, consider hiring a professional cleaner to get rid of the offending spots. If you find any stains that cannot be removed, you may want to replace the carpet or flooring before showing your home. To remove the last whiffs of pet smell from your home, avoid air fresheners (some of your guests may have allergies) and try using a heavy-duty enzyme cleaner. When you are confident in your cleaning, ask a friend or extended family member to inspect for stains and smells before showing the home.

Ideally, homeowners may want to try relocating their pets while their home is on the market. Rather than keeping your four-legged loved ones locked up in the garage, consider asking your friends and family to help out. If you can’t find anyone with the ability to watch your pets, you may need to consider using a nearby kennel. While this might be incredibly difficult to do – for pet and pet owner alike – this step could go a long way towards helping prospective buyers feel comfortable in your home. By keeping your pets out of your home while it is on the market you will be able to minimize the impact they’ve had on the property and avoid any mishaps with prospective buyers. However, if you can’t bear to part with your pets while your home is on the market, you should still try to remove your furry friends during open houses and tours.

While there may be plenty of pet-friendly homebuyers that visit your open house, it is important not to offend anyone who looks at your home. In fact, even some pet owners might be turned off by the presence of your pets. After all, plenty of pet owners believe their own animals to be cleaner and better behaved than anyone else’s. Hence, when it comes time to show your home to prospective homebuyers, you should try your best to minimize your pets’ impact.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Protecting Your Privacy While Your Home is on The Market

Protecting Your Privacy While Your Home is on The Market

If your home is on the market, you have probably already taken great care in cleaning the interior and making necessary renovations that could help attract prospective buyers. However, before your home is shown to any buyers or agents, you should consider performing a few tasks to help protect your privacy. Not only should you try to remove personal items from tabletops or counters, but it is also wise to remember that potential buyers will open closets, cabinets and built-in drawers as they assess the property. To protect your privacy and prevent prospective buyers from forming any biases against you, you may want to follow these four simple steps before showing your home.

1. Hide your mail When dealing with your mail, you should either remove it from your home or place it where it cannot be found. If prospective homebuyers spot collection notices or excessive credit card bills in plain sight, they might immediately assume that you are in debt and need to sell your home quickly. Furthermore, as no one wants strangers to read any of their personal materials, you should try to conceal all of your mail – down to the last furniture catalog.

2. Take down photos and diplomas While some home sellers feel that such personal documents could add an atmosphere of coziness to their property, you may want to consider clearing the walls. Following this simple step could help prevent any type of bias from prospective homebuyers. For instance, home sellers with recent diplomas might be perceived as deep in debt and willing to sell at any price. Likewise, wedding photos can reveal the homeowner’s religion, which could influence certain buyers.

3. Clean the closets and drawers If you have ever been to an open house or toured a home for sale, you can probably understand the desire to dig around. In most cases, prospective homebuyers simply open closets and cabinets to inspect the space or make judgments about the construction of the home. While most people who view your home will not try to snoop in your personal belongings, try to pack away anything that could tell an unwanted story about your life.

You may want to clear out all drawers and closets entirely before the home is shown to buyers. After your personal belongings have been removed from the home or carefully packed away, work with your agent to stage closets and large cabinets. By replacing your own belongings with examples of how the home can be utilized, you will take the focus off yourself and help prospective buyers visualize themselves in your home.

4. Turn down the answering machine This final step is probably the most overlooked by home sellers. Just as you can not anticipate what arrives in the mail each day, you cannot predict when you might receive an unwanted phone call. If you are engaged in an open house or private viewing, you certainly don’t want a prospective buyer to overhear a message from a collection agency or credit card company. Furthermore, as you are in the process of selling a home (and possibly buying another), you don’t want buyers to know anything about your personal business. Hence, before any prospective buyers enter your home, you may want to mute your answering machine to prevent any uncomfortable exchanges.

In conclusion, when you are ready to show your home to prospective buyers, try to remove anything that might drive a buyer away or create an unwanted bias. Whether it’s as simple as removing your personal mail or staging the closets of your home’s bedrooms, a bit of work can not only protect your privacy but can potentially help sell your home.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

What is Home Staging and How Might it Help Sell My House?

What is Home Staging and How Might it Help Sell My House?

In the last few years, home staging has become an increasingly popular method of preparing a home for sale. However, home staging involves far more than the cleaning and minor repairs required to put your home on the market. The process of staging a home is actually an in depth dressing of a home to make the property seem as appealing as possible to prospective buyers. Home staging professionals use a variety of methods to help homeowners sell their properties, incorporating both amenities already inside the home and a number of special products. When preparing to sell your home, you may want to think about some of the home staging methods outlined here to help you find the right buyer.

At its most simple, home staging is about setting the right mood for prospective buyers. By decorating and arranging a home’s interior to present an ideal way of life, buyers are assisted in visualizing themselves in your home. Whether you undertake the process of staging your own home or decide to consult a professional, there are a number of different “props” that may be used around the home. For example, to add a vibrant sense of life to the home, many home staging professionals recommend using different types of potted plants and arrangements of flowers and fruit. Throughout the home, they tend to utilize soft, luxurious fabrics – such as satin, lamb’s wool and silk – to create an atmosphere of comfort. This process can also extend to the exterior of the property, where patio furniture can be added in the backyard and colorful flowers or unique accessories outside the front door.

Many home staging professionals come from interior design or art-related backgrounds. Hence, when working on staging a home for sale, these professionals utilize a number of visual tricks to capture the attention of potential buyers. For instance, furniture is always arranged very carefully to simulate the ideal living space. In living rooms, home staging professionals often use loveseats and ottomans in lieu of large couches to create the illusion of added space. Likewise, mirrors are often placed throughout a staged home to make the living area seem larger to potential buyers. In areas where you hope to focus a buyer’s attention – like a hand built stone fireplace or a remodeled kitchen – staging professionals can place unique artwork or accessories to catch the eye.

One of the most important steps in home staging is the exchange of your personal decorations with more neutral furnishings. Beyond replacing family pictures with more design-friendly items, a successful home staging will attempt to eliminate any idiosyncratic tastes and represent a living space that has broad appeal. Though this process may feel like a slight on your family’s home, you should hardly take offense. This commonly used tactic simply helps potential buyers view the property not as someone else’s home, but as something they can call their own.

Most real estate experts claim that home staging is especially important when the home is empty. Without any furniture or amenities, even a home for sale in the most attractive area can make potential buyers feel uncomfortable. If you are trying to sell your home and have already moved out, you may want to consider working with your agent to stage the home’s interior. With the assistance of your agent and a home staging professional, you could quickly transform a lifeless house into dream home.

In the end, home staging is about making the most of your home’s potential. If the staging of your home is completed effectively, it is also possible that your home may receive better offers from potential buyers and spend less time on the market. By minimizing the flaws of your home and making the living area seem larger, brighter and more appealing, home staging may be one of the most important steps in selling your home quickly and at the right price.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Making the Most of Curb Appeal

Making the Most of Curb Appeal

As more homebuyers and real estate agents use the internet to research properties, first impressions are more important than ever. Before scheduling appointments or visiting open houses, homebuyers and their agents will often drive by homes for sale and make assessments based on the exterior. More often than not, if a homebuyer doesn’t like the outside of a home, they won’t care to see the inside. Yet, it is possible to dramatically alter the appearance of your home with a few simple tasks. As you prepare to list your home, consider implementing some of the tips mentioned here to maximize your property’s curb appeal.

Before you begin making repairs to the exterior of your home, you may want to analyze your home from a distance. Look at your home from across the street and try to pinpoint the best and worst qualities of the property. As you walk towards your home, try to make note of both your first impressions and any elements that stand out. When looking at your home from the exterior, you may also want to compare its appearance to other homes in the neighborhood. While you may feel as if you know the details of your home intimately, this step can help you think like a potential buyer and assist you in maximizing the curb appeal.

When it is time to get to work, you should approach the exterior of your home in the same way you would a bedroom or kitchen. Just as you wouldn’t want a prospective home buyer to see dirty dishes in your sink, you want to make sure the front of your home is as attractive as possible. While the chores associated with maximizing curb appeal will differ from home to home, the following are the most common and effective methods of enticing potential buyers indoors for a closer look:

  • Paint – Perhaps the most effective of all pre-sale repairs, a simple coat of paint to the exterior, doors and shutters can make your home appear well cared for and in good condition. When painting the exterior of the home, you may also want to consider if new door knobs and other hardware could boost the appearance of your home. If you don’t replace any of the metal on the exterior of your home, polishing brass hardware and cleaning or painting iron fences can also give your home a fresh look.
  • Lawn – There are a number of landscaping tricks that may improve the curb appeal of your home. First, the lawn should be mowed, raked and edged. Next, try to thoroughly weed all planter boxes, trim larger plants and include some extra flowers near the front of the house. If any large trees hang over your home or obscure the view from the street, you may want to cut away some large branches. You may also want to consider investing some extra money into landscaping by hiring professionals to make your front yard as attractive as possible.
  • Windows and Gutters – Much like the fresh paint applied to the exterior, taking time to clean the windows can certainly change the appearance of your home. Likewise, try to keep your rain gutters free of leaves and debris as you never know where a potential homebuyer might look.
  • Driveway – If you have an old, cracked driveway, hiring a professional to reseal the surface can add to your home’s curb appeal. If the driveway rests in direct sight in front of the home, this step can become even more important.
  • Lighting – As potential homebuyers could drive by your property at any time, you want to make sure your home is inviting at night. By installing a street lamp and a front porch light – both of which should match the style of your home – you will dramatically boost your home’s 24/7 curb appeal. If you anticipate potential homebuyers coming onto the property after dark, calm lighting that lines the driveway and path to the front door can put your visitors at ease.
  • Pressure Clean – This process can be applied to both the exterior of the home and the driveway. Just one treatment can eliminate years of dirt, mold and mildew from your property.

If you need to improve the curb appeal of your home before putting it up for sale, the best tool could be your ability to think like a buyer. By repairing or minimizing your property’s flaws and drawing attention to key selling points, you may be surprised by the responses you receive from potential homebuyers.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Tips for Passing Home Inspection

Tips for Passing Home Inspection

If you are thinking about selling your home, you may want to start thinking about home inspections. As most inspections thoroughly check the home’s infrastructure, foundation and roof, most real estate experts recommend that you look for problems before putting your home on the market. Though older homes might have more concerns, homes of all ages and types should be given a checkup by homeowners prior to entering the market. This article describes the most common problems found by home inspectors and offers some tips on how your home can pass its eventual inspection.


If you know that you will be selling your home, you should try to repair all plumbing leaks as soon as possible. Besides checking for leaks throughout the home’s plumbing system, a home inspector will also check the water pressure by running multiple faucets and flushing toilets. In some cases, an inspection may also include a check of the septic system. If you have experienced drainage problems in your home, you may want to consider contacting a professional to check the septic system prior to the home inspection.

Heating and Cooling Systems

As there are many types of heating and cooling systems, there is no standard test for home inspectors. However, regardless of what type of heating and cooling systems your home utilizes, you should try to ensure that everything is working properly prior to the home inspection. You may also want to consider having your heating and cooling units serviced prior to selling your home.

Electrical System

A typical home inspection will check the electrical panel and circuit breakers that power your property for problems and test outlets throughout the home. The inspector will also check for ground fault interrupt outlets (GFIs) in the kitchen and bathrooms. Designed to automatically shut off power during a short circuit, these special outlets are an important safety feature for every home. If you live in an older home, you may want to have GFIs installed and have your electrical system checked before an inspection.

Roof and Chimney

A home inspection will check for weak or missing shingles and make an assessment regarding the quality of the roof. If any poor shingles are spotted, an inspector might check underneath to see if the building materials are damaged or rotten. To prevent a poor report, you should consider replacing bad shingles and having an expert check the overall quality of the roof.

The inspector will also check the chimney to ensure that the base of the chimney is watertight and that all bricks and mortar are in good condition. Prior to the inspection, you may also want to check to make sure the chimney is clear and that the fireplace is working properly.


Prior to the inspection, try to make sure your gutters are clean and rainwater is able to flow without spilling over the sides. Also, downspouts should be pointed away from the house, as poor drainage is often the cause of mold and mildew problems.

Mold and Mildew

If you have seen mold or mildew anywhere in your home, you should consider contacting a cleanup professional prior to the inspection. Regardless of where mold and mildew are found in the home, it is important to both kill the fungus and fix the cause of the problem. As homebuyers are becoming increasingly aware of the effects mold and mildew can have on a home, you might experience difficulty selling your home if you don’t take care of the issue. If you have a basement, take some extra time to check the walls and floors for signs of water damage.

After the initial inspection, try not to be discouraged if the inspector finds a few flaws; very few homes are perfect and inspectors are trained to take note of every possible concern.  Home inspections are designed to assess the working order of the home’s infrastructure and assure the buyer that home’s condition matches the details of the contract. In short, if you take care of the most important repair concerns before you try to sell, you will grant yourself a better chance of passing your home inspection.

The staff at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC writes select articles about important topics related to real estate. For more information about buying a home or selling your current property, visit today.

Short Sale Primer

Put the “Short” Back in Short Sale

By Linda Yates, Director of Education,


Protracted, complicated and costly.

The list of adjectives that real estate agents use to describe the short sale process is long and lengthy, but certainly not distinguished. In fact, it is almost always described as anything but “short.”

The short sale is a real estate technique that has been around for years; however, today it is rarely successful because of the headaches that it creates, dragging transactions on for months on end and delivering reduced commissions when closing time finally rolls around.

Why does a short sale seemingly take so long?

For starters, the process requires significant coordination and cooperation from several parties, including the buyer, seller, listing agent(s) and lender. Anytime there are so many moving parts things can get a little tricky … and lengthy.

In addition, a lender is essentially deciding whether or not to sell the property for less than (or "short" of) the amount it loaned the original borrower. It therefore needs time to crunch the numbers to ensure the deal is right for them in the long-term, which could be complicated if, for example, there is more than one "owner" of the financial instrument.

And let’s not forget that lenders today are being inundated with multiple offers on thousands of different properties, which can create a logjam of paperwork as they try and sort through it all.

So does it really benefit you to pursue a short sale?

The short answer is a resounding “Yes” because times are changing -- there are numerous ways in which you can vault your offers to the top of the stacks and do quite well with short sales. All it takes is the knowledge to know how to coordinate these deals properly and be aware of the ways in which to get them done fast.

Consider the following two tips that will make your short sale experience a better (and hopefully more lucrative) one:

First, the obvious: Your short sale packages must be pristine.

Everything must be in order and complete from the moment you submit them to the lenders on behalf of your buyers and sellers. Keep in mind that all lenders are different and, consequently, often have different submission requirements. No two short sales are alike. So know, learn and follow the various submission requirements to a tee the first time (and every time) to ensure optimum results.

Second and not so obvious: Your short sale efforts should always include a forensic document audit.

This is the real key to success with short sales because it can get your packages moved to the front of the line virtually overnight. This process starts with enlisting the help of a legal professional to complete a review of the sellers’ mortgage documents for potential fraud, including possible TILA, RESPA and other consumer rights violations.

It's a huge difference maker.

Recent studies from the Credit Law Group indicate that more than 80 percent of mortgages that were originated since 1999 have some type of consumer rights violations in them. Identifying these violations can create leverage in negotiations, alerting lender legal departments to expedite your files.

  • In other words, the audit can be used to threaten the possibility of your client pursuing legal action, which most lenders would prefer to avoid at all costs -- they already have enough on their plates. The prospect of litigation is simply not a viable option if violations are detected because the lender knows it will likely be cost prohibitive.
  • And if it does go to court, monetary damages could be awarded based on the severity of the violations, which can be applied to the short sale package to drive down the principal amount of the mortgage.
  • Last but not least, no deficiency judgment will likely be filed in a case that undergoes an audit because these can be negotiated away. The reality is that the likelihood of a bank collecting on these is slim to none, meaning that the seller(s) are assured of the best possible outcome.

It's a win-win all around for you and your client.

Clearly, negotiating the murky waters of a short sale requires current knowledge and the support of a team of professionals who all possess the skill sets and goals to get the sale through efficiently and effectively.

It is important to first educate yourself about lenders, including their short sale processes and package requirements. Next, team up with a legal eagle who can help you audit mortgages to strengthen your negotiation position. Do this and it will make the process short, easy and profitable … as its name suggests.

Save Point No Point Lighthouse

Save Historic Lighthouse Waterfront Park Hansville Place your on-line vote to restore the Point No Point Lighthouse in Hansville,  WA - Kitsap County.  There is funding available (not taxpayers' money)... but the amount donated is based on which projects receive the most votes!

Here's the article from the Kitsap Sun:

Skogen Lane - Bainbridge Islander Home of the Week

Live Everyday in a Far-away Island RetreatNantucket-Style Home on Port Madison Bay

Buy Bainbridge Island Coastal Real Estate For SaleWelcome to the private island community of Skogen Lane, whose bonfires and potlucks foster friendly neighborhood living. This custom, upscale cottage-style home is straight out of Coastal Living Magazine. Its light and airy interior capitalizes on the enchanting and ever changing view of Port Madison Bay with over 48 windows. You will appreciate the private boating easement to Port Madison Bay and the five nearby public parks and road ends with water and beach access. Built in 2007, it offers over 850 square feet of Brazilian redwood decking and 3,790+ square feet of living space. Moreover, a separate guest quarters of 820 square-foot with kitchenette flexibly accommodates a professional office, in-law quarters or media room. To see more of the home Visit:

Cottage Red shingles and lap siding trimmed in white home for  saleCottage Red shingles and lap siding are trimmed in white, true to the home’s east coast-styled front porch of white columns, Brazilian redwood decking and stainless balusters. The nautical theme that runs throughout the home is smartly introduced in frosted front door displays a marine compass etching that is true to the home’s location. Step inside onto sustainable grown Brazilian cherry hardwood flooring. Just off the entry, four bay windows define an anteroom, where guests may gather or comfortable rest in quiet moments. Distinctive detail makes this home an extra-ordinary find.

Enter the 800 square-foot great room, where a dramatic tongue-and-groove beadboard cathedral ceiling is painted Nantucket white. The ceiling slopes from nine to 14 feet high, wrapping kitchen, dining and living areas in incredible scale and trim. Abundant recessed lighting is mounted into all ceiling slopes, while 15 separate windows invite natural light on four sides. Two windows are mounted within an arch, framing the living area’s large, honed granite Heat & Glo fireplace. The fireplace chimney displays vertical board design that imitates beadboard, and a Honduran mahogany wraparound mantel provides options for seasonal décor. Cabinets hide stereo surround sound and provide ample storage for games, movies, and music.

In the dining area, pendant lighting hangs from the 14-foot ceiling to designate dining table placement. A cathedral beadboard arch rises over a grouping of two-story windows, including a full-lite door that opens to the main-story deck. Steel balusters and Brazilian redwood define a five-sided deck that looks to the covenant-protected view of Port Madison Bay. Moored yachts symbolize easy access to Puget Sound. Hot and cold water spigots and propane outlines enhance barbecue entertainment.

Everyone will gravitate to the stunning kitchen, where a cathedral beadboard arch rises above kitchen windows. Pendant lighting shines on a wraparound, honed granite island. Its upper tier serves as a serving/breakfast bar that easily seats eight. The lower tier houses a deep stainless sink, and below the sink on floor level is located an automatic dustpan. A Jenn-Air stainless dishwasher, a refrigerator, double ovens and a 48-inch wide cooktop are interspersed among copious Shaker-style alder cabinets. Deep appliance drawers automatically close and built-in trash bins offer easy disposal. The down-drafted cook top offers a grill and six burners, easily hosting large gatherings. A nearby walk-in pantry is hidden behind a magnetic/chalkboard door, which serves as a reminder of everyday activities.

Bainbridge Island Home for sale - Master BedroomAn arch off the great room opens to the away-room and full bath. Tiny tan-and-white tiled flooring complements a vanity of creamy marble and beadboard. Tiled walls rise over the custom shower that includes a tile-framed window. In the next-door guest bedroom, a rainbow of windows looks to leafy branches. An arch frames an alcove that may serve as a sitting/desk area—or this room may serve as an office or television/media room. Radiant floor heating warms the home’s flexibility with separate zones, including bedroom and recreational/workshop levels. A whole-house fan proves a heat recovery ventilator for extra energy efficiency and quiet, continuous, circulating air. A central vacuum system simplifies cleaning on all levels.

On the bedroom level, step onto cushy carpet into the connecting master bedroom, where five windows view yachts moored in Port Madison Bay. A frosted door opens to the lower deck that runs the full length of the home. Stairs descend on each side of the deck to the sunny yard, where a grove of birch trees dapples sunshine. Back inside, pocket doors reveal the deep walk-in closet with mirrored cabinet, rods and shoe racks. The adjoining master bath provides radiant floor heating in the tiled shower with two showerheads. Two circular sinks are mounted into a granite and beadboard vanity. Tiny white and grey tiles cover the floor and encase a Jacuzzi soaking tub.

Guest house and Garage with Water view home on Bainbridge Island    WashingtonA tiled full bath with marble vanity serves two more good-sized bedrooms. One bedroom views Port Madison Bay and the other bedroom views wooded serenity. The lower deck is also accessed by the attractive laundry/mudroom. Its black-and-white tiled flooring and integral stainless sink complement beadboard cabinets.

The home’s daylight lower level includes radiant-heated floors that flow throughout the recreation room and the huge mechanical/storage and workshop/storage rooms. Flexibility suggests an additional sleeping room, perfect teen hangout and even wine storage. Double doors open to the side yard, where a path leads to the separate garage/guest quarters.

The garage level includes a full bath and additional laundry area. The overhead guest quarters/office/studio features 820 square feet of light-filled living space with vaulted ceiling, skylights and bamboo flooring. A slider opens to a private sunny deck that views Port Madison Bay. The large living area accommodates a sitting area and desk; the full-sized bedroom offers a ¾ bath and large closet; and the kitchenette offers a dishwasher, refrigerator, eating bar and breakfast nook. Friends and family will appreciate this extra space that provides endless opportunity. The home also includes a newer well and newer four-bedroom septic system.

Bainbridge Island coastal living home for sale

The home: 4 bedrooms 4.75 baths, 3,794 sq. ft. plus 820 square-foot guest quarters, .71 acre, MLS 29082926

Address: 15193 Skogen Lane NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Tour by appointment

Listing agent: Leah Applewhite, Coldwell Banker McKenzie, 10048 NE High School Road, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Direct: 206-387-0439 Email: Website: Driving directions: From Highway 305 on Bainbridge, turn west onto NE West Port Madison Road. Make a switchback right on Skogen Lane NE.

Own a whole Town! Entire Washington Town for sale on Ebay

How many people do you know that can say they own their own town! You don't see properties like this often so I thought I'd share it with you. If you want to own your own zip code, post office, restaurant, gas station, convenience store and owners ranch keep reading. Leah Applewhite Island Update BlogWauconda, a small town in eastern Washington is up for auction on eBay. The bidding started at $1 and now the price is up to $370K with two days left.

The property had a price tag over one million dollars when it went up for sale in 2008 but the owners have cut that to $359,000 because of the current real estate market.

Check out the owner's description of the property below:

  • RESTAURANT/BAR/GRILL Turn-Key 60 seat/15 table, includes all equipment and fixtures, fully remodeled w/new commercial kitchen, huge walk-in cooler, lots of freezer space, commercial s/s gas grill, range, pizza oven, outside dining new deck, bar currently serving beer and wine, liquor available, has 3 dining areas, pool table, piano and room for a band, new floors and roof
  • GAS STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE (established 1898) with new gas pumps and underground tank installed in 2006 at an expense of $160,000, includes all general store inventory and equipment, coolers, cash register.
  • USPS Government leased POST OFFICE zip code 98859 established in 1902 with a new 20yr lease.
  • OWNERS RANCH...Very private, behind the businesses, 4 acre fully fenced horse property, 4 bedroom newly remodeled house, huge master bedroom, laundry room, lots of closet and storage, multiple entrances, makes a great B&B Bed and Breakfast (especially since theres a restaurant around front), 3 stall barn with hay storage, creek, access to thousands of acres of riding trails in the national forest. Plus, room to build a motel (it would be an instant success, there is a shortage in this area).
  • Original 100 yr old homestead LOG CABIN has been converted to huge garage/workshop

The owner says she's selling up because she's tired and wants to retire. The businesses are supposed to be thriving, the store in particular because there's no competition for 15 miles in either direction.

Buy a whole town. Own your own zip code.

Eastern Washington Property For Sale

See more on Ebay

Review of Premier Architectural Tour on Bainbridge Island

Last weekend was Bainbridge Island’s first architectural tour and what a success! Gorgeous weather, incredible houses in amazing settings, talented interesting people… for the design minded, it was an inspiring two days of fun. Produced by GEM and Seattle Homes and Lifestyle Magazine, it was a thoughtful way for local architects and builders to show off their style. We were able to go inside more than twenty incredible homes and talk directly to their architects. Bainbridge has some amazing residences! Amazing attention to detail and energy saving innovation from Coates Design. (I have to say this was the most intriguing home):

Coates Design Vanity

Impressive land use strategies and flexible utility from Peter Brachvogel. (Most gorgeous garage on the island - I can’t wait to see the primary residence):

Brachvogel Compact=

Renovated boat house on Bainbridge Waterfront

Accessory Dwelling Unit designed to become future garage

Stylish modern design on the waterfront from LaRoche. (I felt like I was floating walking through this home – perhaps it was the light colored cork flooring and darker natural wood ceilings. This home was definitely a play on smooth and textured surfaces. I’ve been admiring it from the water for a couple of years now.)

The firms on the tour are just a sampling of the very talented professionals that live right here in the community. If you are remodeling or building new, I encourage you to ‘shop local’: Participants included:


Bill Chester, Williarm Chester Architect & Planner

Charlie Wenzlau, Wenslau Architects

Sean Parker, Sean Parker Architect

Ron Holsman, Ronald H. Holsman Architects

Peter O’Connor, O’Connor Architects

Marc LaRoche, Marc LaRoche Architects

Peter Manning, Manning Architecture & Planning

Julie Kriegh, Kriegh Architects

Devin Johnson, Johnson Squared Architecture

Jeb Thornburg, Indigo Architecture & Interiors

Hris Gutche, Ecosmith Architecture & Consulting

Dick Dunbar, Dunbar Architects

Dana Webber, Dana Webber Architect

Lane Williams, Coop 15

Mathew Coates, Coates Design Architects

Peter Brachvogel, BC&J Architects

Nate Thomas, Architects/Thomas

Building Contractors:

Toilsome Construction

Andrew Constan, CDB General Contractors, LLC

Port Blakely Builders, Inc

Bill Agnew/Thom Fowler

Hall Construction


Jim Bickford

Drury Construction

Brian Russell

Smallwood Design & Construction

Carley Construction, Inc.

Cratsman Building

Fairbank Construction Company

Mike Fisher Construction

Tom Salisbury

Pacific Pointe

Structural Engineers:

Swenson Say Faget, Paul Faget

Jay Oleson PE, Brain Glover SE, Arup

Quantum Consulting Engineers

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